Some notes
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (d @ es) was a space for online dissemination where researchers and specialists could make available works, studies, reports of training and intervention experiences, portfolios, etc. It was not exactly an online magazine with periodical issues for normal or special or monographic themes, but open fields where articles, studies, reports, portfolios or other teaching and learning materials about higher education at different levels could be made available. and improvement. Each of these documents was integrated in specific folders only with the identification of the respective number and year.
This space was a space under construction having, during its experimental time, an organizing committee and some invited consultants, involving researchers from the EPSAES and ESEDTESVP projects as well as researchers who were interested and researched similar themes. It was not intended to create a complicated bureaucratic structure like many existing ones so as not to run the risk of paralyzing or destroying the process from the beginning.
The works made available in this space were the sole responsibility of the respective authors.
As norms for bibliographic references, those of the APA were recommended, which are those that researchers in these areas know best and habitually use. Underlines, bolds and capital letters should also be avoided. Although it was not a magazine or compilation, it would be good practice for the works to respect a certain uniformity of presentation.
The main objective that should be present in the minds of all those who made available works to publicize in this space was the quality and excellence of them in terms of clarity, originality, consistency and rigor and synthesis. The texts should be as clear, complete and concise as possible so that information and communication work without wasting time and energy.
This is what was mentioned in the start-up phase of yet another project to be built.
Pel 'The Organizing Committee - José Tavares
February 25, 2004
Article (s)
It was then recalled that the works made available in this space would be the sole responsibility of the respective authors. Any clarifications could be requested from themselves, according to the emails provided.
The following are the themes of the works that were made available on the net and in works 1, 2 ... we continue to make available some of these texts that are up to date and may be useful for those who investigate and deepen these themes, since the files in which they were housed on the University of Aveiro page were removed, namely:
1. Sleep and wake management in university students.
2. Notes on cyberspace and cybertempo. Assumptions for the "transmutation" of higher education.
3. Personal and interpersonal cyberrelations for a more active citizen culture (notes).
4. Determinants of academic (in) success at the university.
5. Education and key competences in changing the corporate paradigm.
6. Citizenship or essentiality? A triangular look at quality in / of teaching.
7. (STEPS). Experiences in academic transition to higher education: construction and inventory validation.
8. Construction and validation of an inventory of attitudes and behaviors of study in students of higher education: exploratory data.
9. Research, analysis, understanding and information management (PACGI).
10. Innovative teaching / learning approaches in the context of undergraduate and graduate courses.
11. Personal development: professionalism and teaching in the internship year.
12. Study methods in higher education: a training project.
13. The quality of teaching in Portuguese universities: a case study.
14. The impact of the evaluation regime on academic (in) success.
15. A Luso-Brazilian perspective on teaching citizenship behaviors.
16. Emotional intelligence and academic performance of students: an empirical study in university education.
17. Daytime type and academic performance of young university students.
18. New ways of teaching and learning in higher education: involvement of actors and organization of processes, contents, times, spaces and respective evaluation.
19. A new look at university teaching.
20. Alternative learning models: peer teaching.
21. Education for health and well-being: evaluation of an intervention program in higher education.
22. Learning and teaching as a personal and social construction of knowledge.
23. Skills development program (PDCIIP) promoting academic success.
24. Teaching, learning and academic success.
25. Composite and progressive evaluation formula for higher education students.
26. Learning to study in higher education. Presentation of a program of study methods.
27. Insights on best teaching practices for promoting students' learning.
28. Construction of the Relational Aid Skills Inventory (ICRA)
29. The metaphor between experientialism and transformation.
30. Emerging modalities of training and educational and professional success.
31. Study behaviors in university students: feasibility of applying HBSC to higher education.
32. Assertiveness and assertive behavior: the management of self, you, us.
33. The Portuguese Version of the Interpersonal Behavior Scale: Preliminary Study.
34. Technologies in Education: the engine of the new role of the educator
The posters made available in this space are the sole responsibility of the respective authors. Any clarifications may be requested from the employees themselves, according to the e-mails provided in the left side menu.
1. (STEPS). Experiences in academic transition to higher education: construction and inventory validation.
2. Research, analysis, understanding and information management (PACGI).
3. Innovative teaching / learning approaches in the context of undergraduate and graduate courses.
4. A Luso-Brazilian perspective on teaching citizenship behaviors.
5. Emotional intelligence and academic performance of students: an empirical study in university education.
6. The quality of teaching in Portuguese universities: a case study.
7. The impact of the evaluation system on academic (in) success.
8. Comparative study of the realities of the AU - Portugal and UFPE - Brazil.
9. Perception about the academic in (success) of teachers and students of the 1st year of the Universities of Aveiro and Federal de Pernambuco.
10. Students' perceptions of teaching methodology in the subject of Calculus I and Elements of Physics at the University of Aveiro.
11. Sleep-wake schedules in portuguese first year students: preliminary results.
12. Sleep quality during examinations in university students: preliminary results.
13. Daytime sleep and discomfort in the 1st year of the university.
14. Sleep and academic functioning of university students: preliminary analysis.
15. Results from a library information technology module.
16. Sleep and daytime functioning of young people during exams.
17. Motivation, study behavior, and academic success in university students: a follow-up study.
18. Stress and anxiety: identify and deal with automatic negative thoughts in academic life.
19. Promotion of health and well-being in higher education.
20. Development, learning and intervention in higher education.
21. The adaptation of first year students to university life and academic success as a function of significant relationships.
Organizing committee
José Tavares
Anabela Pereira
António Maria Martins
Ana Paula Cabral
Isabel Huet e Silva
José Bessa
Rita Carvalho
Sara Monteiro
Anabela Pereira
António Maria Martins
Ana Paula Cabral
Carolina Sousa
Duarte Costa Pereira
Fernando Gonçalves
Grace Dias
José Tavares
Leandro de Almeida
Leonor Lencastre
Luís Pardal
Maria do Céu Taveira
Marina Guerra
Marina Lemos
Rosa Vasconcelos
Rui Santiago
Teresa Medeiros
Content Manager
Rita Carvalho
Alexandra Gomes
José Tavares
Ana A. Gomes
Anabela Pereira
António Maria Martins
Ana Paula Cabral
Armenian Rego
Cláudia Fernandes
Dayse Neri de Souza
Duarte Costa Pereira
Isabel Alarcão
Isabel Huet e Silva
José Bessa
José Tavares
Leonor Lencastre
Marina Guerra
Marina Lemos
Rita Carvalho
Sara Monteiro